Asmi shah

Sound Healer, Yoga Asana & Meditation Guide, Pranic Healer


Yoga asana, mantra, and meditation have been a big part of my healing journey. For me asana is my moving mediation and increasing the mind-body connection has improved my life in a multitude of ways. During yoga teacher training I began recognizing and facing limiting beliefs on the mat (“I can never do that pose, I’m not even going to try” to “Let me see what I can do today”); this quality of play and experimentation began to translate into my everyday life bringing ease and self-compassion where there had been doubt and judgement.  I truly believe how we are on the mat is how we are in life; changing one changes the other.  

Meditation helps us connect with our selves, with our soul, our inner knowing, our intuition - whatever you want to call it. The practice of meditation may seem simple from the outside, but it is a powerful catalyst for transformation. Learning to separate my thoughts and emotions from others has been an important part of stepping into my power.

I have chanted mantras since I was a child, I took a special interest in mantras as I read a book on them and learned about how the powerful vibrations of chanting Sanskrit mantras can change the energy body. I have first hand experienced changes from a disciplined mantra practice.

Pranic Healing

In my opinion pranic healing is the best keep secret in the world right now and I’m sure it’s going to blow up in the next few years. I have experimented with many different types of energy healing, but I have not found anything as simple and powerful as pranic healing. Pranic Healing can help headaches to insomnia to depression to broken bones and more. I have seen miraculous healings happen in front of me and I know it this technology has the power to improve so many lives.

Sound Healing

I can still remember the first time I heard a singing bowl in yoga teacher training. I was immediately mesmerized. A serendipitous moment a few months later compelled me to seek out a sound healing training even though I had only recently graduated from yoga teacher training and started a new job. The sound healing training in Nepal is one of the most transformative experiences of my life. I have continued my studies with multiple teachers across a wide array of instruments. What I love about sound healing is that it requires nothing of the participant other than being present. I have witnessed so many magical moments through the power of sound healing.

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There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.